Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I would like to introduce you to........

We were able to do our sonogram yesterday and I would like to introduce you to Kendall Paul Johnson, due May 25. I am sorry I haven't blogged about my being pregnant sooner, but I thought it would be more fun to break the news with a picture. We were very excited when we found out we were having another boy. Andrew needs a buddy (not another mother) really bad. The kids were so excited to find out, they all really wanted another boy too. I was a little nervous about how they were going to react if it was a girl, but thank goodness, I don't have to worry about that anymore. Mother an baby are doing great. I am just glad to finally be over the morning sickness. What a blessing! Just wanted to say "Hello" to everyone!
IT"S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kelley said...

YAY!!!! I am so happy for you. Wow, two boys! They really WILL be buddies. I'm thrilled for you, and delighted you are over the morning sickness. Urgh! I've about decided there's not much worse than that.

By the way, do you remember coming over and cleaning my bathroom while I lay on the floor in the hallway watching because I was too sick to get up. Did I ever tell you how grateful I was for that? I will NEVER forget that. EVER! Thank you.

Hillary said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! You couldn't have planned that any better!! Since Andrew is surrounded by girlies, I'm sure in time he will be grateful too! Are you seriously going to have five kids? That is NUTS. You inspire me!

The White House said...

Congragulations, we cant wait to see little boy paul.

Robin said...

Congrats! So excited for you. Boys are the best! Glad you don't have to guess about that one.

Marie said...

Hooray! Nice picture. :)

athompson said...

Congrats, Christy.. I'm so glad its a boy. How fun. Keep us posted!

Sleepless Sabra said...

Yea!!! We are so excited for you guys! And, I'm so glad you are feeling better!

Amanda said...

we definitely don't have to many boys in this family! Congrats!

Kass Martin said...

Hip Hip Horay! I can't wait to see what this little boy is like. You are a great mom and with the basement all finished you will feel like you are living in a mansion with your healthy happy family. I can't wait to see you next. It will probably be in July when we are there again and then we can all meet Kendall Paul. Woo Hoo!